The Village of Regensdorf


Composed of about 450 immigrants and their children from the Shield Lands that traveled south with the Provaines, Regensdorf looks very much like any other farming community. The people work the land and celebrate from time to time, but there is always a suspicion of strangers (especially orcs and half-orcs) and the town is well-patrolled.

Situated approximately 20 miles east of Leukish, Regensdorf is an area of mostly fertile farmland near a vast marsh and small wood. It is rumored that lizard men inhabit the marsh nearby, but that rumor has yet to prove true (and in any event would be a problem for the military forces of the County of Urnst).

The Village Government

Regensdorf is ruled nominally by a village council of three people:

Lord Urvar Okken (6th level Fighter) of House Maunvin (a client house to House Baercol) is the local lord, but a few years ago he decided not to interfere too much in the goings-on in Regensdorf when he saw that the village council had firm control and that the residents all worked together quietly and peacefully. Lady Adriamo Maunvin is usually involved elsewhere in political and economic matters, leaving her husband to manage the estates. Lord Urvar, of course, enjoys hunting in his retirement more than the dull duty of managing lands, so he is more than glad to let a quiet village run itself so long as taxes are paid and profits are up.

Lord Urvar is an old warrior who retired to help manage his wife's properties after long service in the Ducal Guard; consequently, he respects other warriors. Lord Urvar and his soldiers, a company of fairly well trained medium calvary in the employ of House Maunvin, are familiar with the Provaines, especially with Azur; Azur trains many of Lord Urvar's soldiers in archery.

The Village Economy

Most of the people of the village are farmers, but there is a sizable inn to support the large number of travellers that come through on the roads between the Duchy and the County. Spargus the bowmaker and Angus the smith typically produce some weapons to sell to Lord Urvar's forces as well. Finally, several people in the village are directly on the payroll of House Maunvin in various capacities.

In addition, there is a shop and a small boatyard to support the nearby Ducal Navy outpost on the Nesser River. Lord Urvar himself is distantly related to House Kaste and ostensibly has some authority with the local forces of the Ducal Navy.

Notable NPCs

Spargus the bowmaker (Exp 10) maintains a small shop in Regensdorf. He sells bows and arrows, but not crossbows or bolts. Spargus is has made arrows for years and occasionally produces masterwork arrows upon request.

Angus the smith is an accomplished blacksmith (Exp 7) who also knows a thing or two about making weapons. He turns out three or four shortswords every month; most of his products wind up in the hands of the local militia and farmers. Angus is capable of repairing most metal armors, but crafting armor is beyond his capabilities.

Rogr and Azur Provaine (although not NPCs) carry considerable weight in the town, but they are often away on various causes. They earned the respect of these people when they organized and escorted them here from the Shield Lands, often at great risk to themselves and their family.

Rorran Telmor (Cleric 3, St. Cuthbert) also carries some weight in the village. He is a native of Furyondy who chose to settle here with these refugees some years back. Since then, he has earned the respect of the community. Rorran is close to 40, but he has the energy of a young man when he works with families to bring in the harvest.

There is no one of known low moral character in the village; the population is composed of survivors from the Shield Lands who had to depend on each other to reach a new home safely. Shady characters who arrive are "encouraged" to leave town by the town militia soon after they arrive. Most follow suit without too much trouble, but a few have had to be dealt with more forcibly. Of these, most fled rather than face the combined wrath of the village. Visitors who cause no trouble are welcome, although the shops do charge them a bit more.

New settlers are almost unheard of in Regensdorf. Consequently, strangers in the village cannot escape notice.

The Town Militia

A squad of five 1st level warriors patrols the village at any given time of the day; they can summon an additional five 2nd level warriors and 10 1st level commoners in less than three hours time. Within a day, the village can muster a force of some 100 able combatants (1st-4th level commoners, with four 3rd-6th level warriors who served in the wars in the Shield Lands) armed with spear and bow.

To encourage a martial mentality, contests of sport and combat are held on the last day of each month in the village. Winners often receive a prize of a few gold coins and are treated as heroes for the day. Professional soldiers are excluded from these contests. Each villager of age 10 or older is required to practice archery or spears at least two hours each week by decree of the Village Council.

Once per year, on the anniversary of the founding of the village, the village council holds a grand tournament at which all residents of the village, including adventurers, are entitled to participate, at which contests of archery and spears are held. Winners of these contest might receive quality weapons (twice normal PH value, but not masterwork) crafted by the Spargus, the village bowmaker, and Angus, the town smith.

Breaking the Law in Regensdorf

The law in Regensdorf is enforced rigidly. The village militia handles petty crimes. One or two of Lord Urvar's soldiers are usually about as well; if a serious offense is committed, they will take charge of the situation and work to apprehend the offender(s).

Petty Crimes

Those who cause trouble or attempt a petty crime (the total value of theft or property damages less than 50 gp) in the village will be confronted by a patrol of 5 guards (1st-level warriors armed with shortsword, longbow, and leather armor) within 30 minutes; the guards will not hesitate to kill offenders who resist violently, although they prefer for offenders to come along peacefully. Non-resident offenders are banished from the town without any of the proceeds from their crime and having paid a fine of at least 10gp. If the fine cannot be paid, the offender is put to work under guard until the fine is judged to have been paid off.

Residents who commit petty crimes (which hasn't happened yet) are fined for their crime and are given a sentence of labor providing improvements to the town (i.e., work on whichever farm needs the most help at present). The first incident is then forgotten. A second incident results in banishment from the town for a period of one year.

Minor Crimes

Those who commit a major theft or act causing major damage (total value of 50 or more gp) are forced to repay the proceeds of their crime (or the damages, as the case were). In addition, the victim is entitled to a repayment (for the trouble encountered) of half again the amount stolen or required to repair damages.

If the offender is unable to pay the costs and fine, the victim is entitled by law to have the offender work for him in any capacity until said debt is paid off (typically considered to be three months of time per 50gp of theft or damage). If the victim does not want the offender present, the offender is jailed for three months and then banished from the town for a period of two years.

Major (Violent) Crimes

Violent crimes in Regensdorf are almost unheard of, but the laws for dealing with them are quite strict. There are two types of violent crimes, those resulting in injury and those resulting in death. In all cases, Lord Urvar has the final judgment, but traditionally these types of punishments are handed down.

For crimes resulting in injury, the offender is typically fined at least 100gp and must also pay for the cost of having the village priest treat the injured party. In addition, the offender is jailed for one full year. After that amount of time is up, the offender is banished from the village for life.

For crimes resulting in death, all the offender's personal property is seized immediately and awarded to the victim's family. In addition, the offender is taken into custody and executed at the earliest possible opportunity.

Unless the situation is dire, the Village Council prefers for Lord Urvar's soldiers to deal with any violence in the village. But, if the Village Council deems it necessary quickly, the full village patrol (some 20 1st and 2nd level warriors) will attempt to apprehend the offenders. If the offender(s) fight and defeats the patrol and Lord Urvar's forces still have not arrived, the full militia (over 100 men and women armed with spear and longbow) will be mustered and the village council will send another request to Lord Urvar requesting help.

If the offender(s) flees the village, the Lord Urvar and his troops will hunt him down unless he magically transports himself away by more than 50 miles or flees across the river into the County of Urnst. If an offender escapes and later returns to the village, the process repeats itself.

Resisting arrest by the village guard or by Lord Urvar's troops is in itself considered a violent crime.

Notes for Authors

For the purposes of interactives and scenarios set in the club village, PCs who are banished from Regensdorf for a petty or minor crime should earn a "Disfavor of the Village of Regensdorf" certificate with an appropriate expiration date (one year for petty crimes on a second offense, two years for minor crimes). This certificate will be included in scenarios and interactives set in the village. In addition, all infuence in the village is lost.

PCs who commit violent crimes suffer all penalties outlined above. Those escaping justice should earn a permanent "Disfavor of the Village of Regensdorf" certificate.

Anyone who earns temporary "Disfavor of the Village of Regensdorf" certs might be given an opportunity in a future scenario to rid themselves of the cert by providing some service to the village.

PCs who commit any crime while in the village lose all accumulated influence points within the village or with NPCs in the village.

Places of Interest

The Council Hall

More an open-air pavilion than a hall, the Council Hall is large enough to seat 100 villagers comfortably on benches and can pack in the entire village (albeit with many people standing) in time of need. The Council Hall is the location of all open council meetings (private meetings are held in a private room of the Inn of the Silver Arrow reserved for that purpose) and all trials for petty crimes. In addition, Lord Urvar uses it to dispense justice locally when necessary.

The Inn of the Silver Arrow

The Inn of the Silver Arrow is the local inn. It can house up to 20 people in the common room and also lets eight private rooms of no great luxury. Baths are available, as are hot meals and the local ales and meads. Occasionally, imported liquors from Greyhawk are available. The proprietor is Shel Morrl (7th level Commoner), a 58 year old human of mixed ancestry, is up on all the latest gossip and is also a fair shot with a bow and a decent tracker. Azur Provaine saved Shel's life during the flight from the Shield Lands and Shel has never forgotten it, always treating Azur to a hot meal and a drink or two whenever he's at home. Shel's daughter Alein (1th level Commoner) is engaged to Azur Provaine, and Shel himself thinks that she could do far worse for a husband than Azur.

PCs who flirt with the barmaid will be told in no uncertain terms that she's promised to someone else; PCs who continue their offensive behaviour after receiving a warning are considered guilty of a petty crime and will suffer the consequences described above for petty crimes. They won't earn the disfavor of the village, but if they carry any influence points in the village those influence points should be voided.

The Militia Grounds

The town militia has its own training ground and archery range, complete with wooden sword dummies that are used for practice. The training facilities are often in use and are in good repair. The grounds are also used to host the contests of arms during festivals.