Saturday. October 7, 1989

Volume 1 .... Number 7

By I.M. Cydyng, Staff Writer

     The Orientation Day Thursday was much needed, and
worked out well.  The schedule planned by the Orientation
Committee was similar to Thursday's normal schedule, but
with different activities.
     After Opening, most of the community gathered in Aurora
basement and split up into pairs.  Each person introduced
themselves to their partner - where they're from, how they
forund out about TMS, what they did before coming here.  The
partners then introduced each other to the whole group.
Those absent were introduced.  This ended at about 10:15 AM.
     After a break, the group heard about various aspects of
academics, facilitated by George.  Questions were answered.
George denies this.
     In an attempt to clarify the class schedule for the
fall and winter, Gate Van Meter facilitated an excercise in
which all students went to different parts of the room
representing different classes.
     After lunch, students gathered for more community
orientation, from which faculty were absent.  A number of
different important agreements were covered, and it was
minimally boring, due to the efforts of Bright and others to
keep the presentations interesting.
     Houses met for house orientation at 2:35, followed by a
game at 3:30.
     Jennifer Cusack organized the game - a treasure hunt
ending in a field near Bartlett Cabin at a party with chips,
Doritos, goldfish, sodas, fruit juice, sparkling water, and
ice cream.
     This was the last orientation activity, and ended when
people gradually drifted away.

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